As I approach 40, I’m embarking on a year-long project to reflect on the lessons I’ve learned in four decades of life. This is lesson #26. You can read the full series here.
It is almost always1 a good idea to drink more water.
Thirsty? Drink water. Having trouble focusing? Drink water. Recuperating from exercise or the heat? Water! Seeking more hydrated skin, lubricated joints, and fewer headaches? Me too. I hear water helps. Battling boredom, malaise, grumpiness, or general blahs? I’m not sure if water will solve everything, but it sure won’t hurt.
That’s it. That’s the lesson2.
xoxo KHG
Overhydration is possible, but rare. For most of us, the risk of dehydration is much greater. Here’s some solid medical advice for how much water to drink and other recommendations that I’m not qualified to speak on.
So here’s the thing: When I came up with an initial list of lessons for this series, this was one of the first I wrote down. But I didn't think I needed 1,000+ words (or even 100) to convince you why this made the list. So I kept punting it. Until now. I’m dealing with some health issues and anxieties, and while I thankfully don’t have the kidney stone I feared, the whole ordeal reminded me of how important it is to stay hydrated — preferably with water. I’ve gotten so much better about drinking water as I’ve gotten older, and I’m grateful for that. Water has helped me avoid the kidney stones I used to be plagued with, plus a host of other benefits. When in doubt, drink water.
Hooray for no stone! Bottoms up!
Cheers! (with a glass of water of course) 💙
And Katie, I'm sending you so much love and support as you get back to health, all around 💞