Jun 3, 2020Liked by Katie Hawkins-Gaar

I have found my body and central nervous system in overdrive from the past days events. Luckily I had a therapy session set for Monday morning which was just at the right time. Something I learnt in my session is that my unresolved trauma is triggered by the injustice around treatment of people of colour in this country as well as my home country South Africa too. The secrets, the justifications, the underhandedness all brings up anger and shame in me. At being white, at being privileged, at being racist. I learnt that when my nervous system is flared up - that is the wrong time to make decisions, but what is needed is to sooth it. I came up with things I can do to sooth my prefrontal cortex - swimming, walking, playing with the dogs, dancing, journaling, crafting. Once I can calm my body down, then from that place I can choose and make decisions on how I can support, read, learn and back movements that sit well with my values. I also chose to only read / watch the news once a day and be careful with my source as reading and watching all day long was revving me up unnecessarily.

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It's so smart to pay attention to how this is manifesting in your body! Self-care might seem trivial in a moment like this, but as you point out, it's when we're centered that we can make the best decisions. Sending you love.

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