
I just saw a really chonky bird on my back deck. I mean CHONKY! It was very cute and made me giggle.

Simple, but delightful.

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Couldn’t think of a better way to kick off this thread!

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Jul 18, 2023Liked by Katie Hawkins-Gaar, Rebecca Coates

I adopted an 8 year old golden retriever from a puppy mill. She is loving her new life and she makes me get out of bed in the morning.

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Jul 18, 2023Liked by Katie Hawkins-Gaar, Rebecca Coates

My baby and my cat are starting to become friends! My kid gets so excited when he sees our cat - he will laugh and kick his little legs and try to grab her fur (we’re working on being gentle - it’s a long road). Our cat is so sweet and chill with him. She’s cautious of the grabby hands but will nuzzle him when he’s not looking, or sit near him just out of reach and purr.

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Babies bonding with pets is the most delightful thing ever!!

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Jul 18, 2023Liked by Katie Hawkins-Gaar, Rebecca Coates

My five year old says he wants to be a farmer when he grows up. He has a drawer in his dresser that he uses to collect seeds that he will plant on his farm one day. (Mind you, we are city folks who have no farm life experience lol). So I cannot cut into a fruit or a vegetable without a sweet little request from him to save the seeds. He has visions of growing peach trees, apple trees, even avocado trees (they grow in trees, right?), you name it 😆

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I love this soo much!

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Jul 18, 2023Liked by Katie Hawkins-Gaar

This is so sweet 🥹

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Jul 18, 2023Liked by Katie Hawkins-Gaar, Rebecca Coates

Friendship that you can show up exactly as you are. It's been a rough few weeks. Just one thing on top of another that finally caused me to fall apart on Saturday. It was too much. I called my friend, and I went to her place where we talked things out, ordered Thai food, watched a silly movie, and played some games. It was exactly what I needed to get through it.

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I love this.

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Jul 18, 2023Liked by Katie Hawkins-Gaar, Rebecca Coates

I love this! I have a similar ritual, and now I'd like to add this in for a while and test it out. Beautiful!

Something good: People are working so hard, everywhere, to do better than before. To take care of ourselves and those around us, to send so much love out into the world. And connecting with those people usually makes me feel so much better, whenever I'm feeling bleak. Ugly world sometimes, yes, for sure, but filled with such spectacular souls and inspiring people. Plus, gelato exists.

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Jul 18, 2023Liked by Katie Hawkins-Gaar, Rebecca Coates

My 4-year old daughter, who can’t sit still for more than a second, wanted to snuggle this morning. AND, my 12-year old son (who is currently in the “too cool for everything” stage”, randomly gave me a hug 🥰🥰

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Jul 18, 2023Liked by Katie Hawkins-Gaar, Rebecca Coates

Inspired by a tweet I saw during lockdown, my mom and I started texting each other something we're grateful for every morning. There are definitely days when I have to dig deep (then I usually go with "hot coffee"!) but overall, it's made us so much closer and more connected, and I appreciate how it's forced me to always find something --- because there is always something! My something good today is watching my 2.5 year old dance around her bedroom to this old baby toy she has that plays Mozart tunes. She was jammin' out like it was 1770 and it cracked me up!

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Ha, omg my little one was doing the same thing this morning! Rocking out to classical like nobody was watching. It was definitely a something good.

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Like it was 1770 🤣

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Jul 18, 2023Liked by Katie Hawkins-Gaar, Rebecca Coates

My sister and I went on a 9-mile hike yesterday! (We only did 2/3 of it, but it was still plenty of exercise.)

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Jul 18, 2023Liked by Katie Hawkins-Gaar, Rebecca Coates

I just hit 100 miles on my bike for the season (I live in MN so the "season" started in May for me). This doesn't sound like that much BUT I work from home and honestly, don't go that many places during the week so those 100 miles are made up of short trips (mostly under 2 miles) to the gym, library, a coffee shop, the park, bluegrass jam, etc. (some of these trips I do walk instead of bike to listen to podcasts, too) I love knowing how many miles I've NOT driven to do the things of daily life. I'm very fortunate to live in a place where so much of what I need is close by but also biking is so fun.

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Minnesota native, back before climate change gave the state more than four months of “season” 😁 ... it’s funny, because it’s a little bit too true...

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Jul 18, 2023Liked by Katie Hawkins-Gaar, Rebecca Coates

My 2.5 year old is working on counting. Last night: "One, two, three, four, five, six, ten, cinco!"

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Jul 18, 2023Liked by Katie Hawkins-Gaar, Rebecca Coates

I'm currently sick with covid (it still exists!) and the nice thing is my two cats just know when I'm not feeling well and have been extra snuggly and curled up by me the entire time. I often wake up to spooning one who's squirmed her way in there and the other pressed against my back. I feel like crap but it's very sweet of them to care ❤️

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Ewww I'm sorry about the COVID, but love hearing that your sweet kitties are taking care of you 🥰

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Jul 18, 2023Liked by Katie Hawkins-Gaar, Rebecca Coates

Last week we got a note from day care that my son bit one of his friends when they were playing on the playground. Fast forward to today and he sees the friend he bit and they run and give each other a big, long hug. They are 2.5. It made my heart so happy two little kids just hugging with abandon and no grudges. I don’t know what I expected they are toddlers after all and it was a week ago but I just found it so sweet.

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Kids are so resilient and forgiving.* We can learn a lot from them.

*They can also be total assholes, but that's why we need to be resilient and forgiving, too.

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Jul 18, 2023Liked by Katie Hawkins-Gaar, Rebecca Coates

Was with my toddler grandsons this weekend. On Saturday, my 4-year old grandson went from tentatively wanting to float in the water by the shore with me holding his hands, to floating a little further from shore and a little deeper. On Sunday he went from floating on his dad's back off the boat, very tentatively to LEAPING into the ocean off the back swim grid into the deep ocean water. Even dunking his head. With complete joy and abandon. The evolution from timid and scared to pure jumping for joy into the water was beautiful....and something so good. :) I hope that image brings a smile to you today. Sending love and encouragement. xo

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Jul 18, 2023Liked by Katie Hawkins-Gaar, Rebecca Coates

I saw Taylor Swift on the Eras tour last weekend in Denver with one of my best friends and I am so grateful to be alive at the same time as this beautiful artist.

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Jul 19, 2023Liked by Katie Hawkins-Gaar

A very kind fan shared a code and I was able to buy a ticket to see her in Stockholm next summer. I thought I’d missed out, so this felt like such a gift.

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Jul 18, 2023Liked by Katie Hawkins-Gaar, Rebecca Coates

Thank you for this thread today. I've been going through an extremely challenging month. Life changed on a dime when I went from being an extremely active person with no health issues for 11 years (since a major knee surgery) to suddenly start having debilitating hip pain. I'm going through the many steps of diagnosis to find a path towards treatment and knowing what my life will now look like. My gratitudes: my caring, supportive husband who has been a rock through this. My amazing family, especially my sister and my mom, who are there for me whenever I need to call someone and cry. Snuggles from my dog and cat. Good health insurance (which EVERYONE deserves access to, my god). The empathy of nurses. My ability to work remotely, another lifesaver through this ordeal. The view of the trees in our backyard through the windows. Summer sun on my skin. A cup of coffee in my favorite mug. The incredible hiking trips we went on earlier this year pre-injury, memories that keep me going. Being in a room with my family, laughing and feeling loved.

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Jul 18, 2023Liked by Katie Hawkins-Gaar, Rebecca Coates

This morning I woke up to the birds singing outside my window. A reminder that nature’s alarm clock is so much better than my phones. The summer air is brisk and sweet, a reminder of my childhood. Wishing you all a “great “ day!



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Jul 18, 2023Liked by Katie Hawkins-Gaar, Rebecca Coates

Hi, thanks for this thread! Morning walks with our sweet rescue dog Shep always produce a handful of good moments. This particular one was watching him step down to the floating dock to watch a small group of ducks drift by - he didn't seem interested in chasing them, he just wanted a better look.

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Jul 18, 2023Liked by Katie Hawkins-Gaar, Rebecca Coates

This week I was reminded how much I love swimming...not like for exercise or sport. But just for fun, like when I was a kid. It brought me so much joy to swim like a frog in a nice pool on a hot day. I hadn't done that in so long!

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Jul 19, 2023Liked by Katie Hawkins-Gaar

Each summer the local colleges open their pools and I take advantage (learning it this during the pandemic), visiting for lap swim when they offer it on week days. Though I grew up with a backyard pool and took lessons when I was tiny, idk how to swim like the others. I do whatever I feel like and at an easy pace and I just enjoy it.

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Jul 18, 2023Liked by Katie Hawkins-Gaar, Rebecca Coates

For the past week and a half, we've been taking our 9-year-old to a theater day camp. The day before the first day, after wanting to go for months, he tells me, "Daddy, I don't want to go."

"What?" I say. I'm surprised, because he asked to be signed up.

"I don't want to go."

I ask him to try it out, for just one day, to see how it goes and if he changes his mind. He hates it the first day, and the second day too. The third day is a little more neutral. But by the fourth day, I hear him singing the songs from the play they're rehearsing, on his own in the bathroom. This continues the next day.

By yesterday, he's excited and looking forward to being in the play they're putting on, which is this Friday.

Sometimes things really can change, I've learned 😃

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Jul 18, 2023Liked by Katie Hawkins-Gaar, Rebecca Coates

I first learned of strawflowers in the spring of 2022, but realized I couldn’t direct sow them, I needed transplants. Over the past year, I got the materials to start seeds in my basement, did so, and am finally watching the strawflowers start to bloom. It is magical.

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Jul 18, 2023Liked by Katie Hawkins-Gaar, Rebecca Coates

After more than a decade of living across the country from each other, one of my very best childhood friends moved to Atlanta (just 2.5 short miles from my house !! ).

As a non-native Atlantan, I've never felt more at home here.

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Jul 18, 2023Liked by Katie Hawkins-Gaar, Rebecca Coates

a nice chat with a friend that i haven’t spoken to in a while.

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Jul 18, 2023Liked by Katie Hawkins-Gaar, Rebecca Coates

Today I had a short work day and I'm now -- at 1pm on this fine Tuesday -- lounging on the couch (my favorite of all things!) reading other people's good things!

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Jul 18, 2023Liked by Katie Hawkins-Gaar

Last Thursday I went out on a boat and saw puffins!

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Jul 18, 2023Liked by Katie Hawkins-Gaar, Rebecca Coates

I am stressed out since I have to move abroad and find a room, but, the good is that I'm moving since I got accepted for a marvelous internship. So, finger crossed

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Jul 18, 2023Liked by Katie Hawkins-Gaar, Rebecca Coates

I feel stronger every day, mentally & emotionally from following the good practices & examples from Allison Moorer.

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Jul 19, 2023·edited Jul 19, 2023Liked by Katie Hawkins-Gaar

My family is doing a lake vacation with my parents, all 3 kids, my sibling's spouses and my niblings, aged 1, 2 & 3. The first few days were a lot of commotion, and the kids mostly clung to their parents. Today the older two were comfortable enough to play together, and let auntie play too. My brother's kid, Augustus (Gus) is the two-year-old, and when something new happens his (already large) eyes get all wide, his mouth drops open for a few seconds and he goes "wowww". Super fun to experience his sense of wonder second-hand. My brother lives in a very rural area and there's not other little kids for Gus to meet really, so it's also been fun to see him navigate interacting with other small humans.

I don't want to be a parent, but spending time with little humans makes me feel so grounded, as if things are okay. I've been unemployed since January, and I might (have to?) move from the city back to my hometown for the winter. Knowing that I'd be able to spend a lot of time with my nephew is the only thing that makes that idea bearable.

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Jul 19, 2023Liked by Katie Hawkins-Gaar, Rebecca Coates

A girls weekend of playing with art materials in silence. Swirling neon pink splatters! This ignited my heart.

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Jul 18, 2023Liked by Katie Hawkins-Gaar, Rebecca Coates

seeing tiny frogs in the scorching heat near Lake Cachuma in SB county, CA

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Something lately that has been happening to me is that we have been struggling financially. I had some down days about it and mentioned to one of the managers where I work about it. I told her that I will probably have to get a second job otherwise we won't be able to pay rent. The next day that I worked she told me that her and the store manager will try and see if they can arrange something at work so that I have more hours. This made me tear up with gratitude that these people who I have only known for four months would do this for me. There are still good people in this world.

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Jul 19, 2023Liked by Katie Hawkins-Gaar

In January, I read a post from Tyler Knott Gregson, about "one tiny perfect thing" and capturing it every day. Since then, I have kept a little journal of "one tiny perfect thing" - and every morning I write the previous day's thing. Sometimes I include a photo, or a drawing, other days just a written sentence or two. It's my favorite ritual now, and I often find myself flipping through it just to see previous day's entries. I love it. This post reminded me of that, and I love your ritual, too. But, being single, I have to stick to my journal! As for my good thing, the other day, I woke up to my dog snuggled into my neck. It was pure perfection, the cuddle.

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Jul 19, 2023Liked by Katie Hawkins-Gaar, Rebecca Coates

At a family gathering earlier this month, I had fun playing with my four year old niece in the pool. She threw plastic toys, and I waited until they sank to the bottom, dove down to get them, handed them back to her.

Also, I belong to an online group of Bruce Springsteen fans called Spring-Nuts. Bruce is currently touring, and in addition to their joy of being at the concerts members are sharing heartwarming stories of giving away tickets they can’t use to strangers, providing free housing after the show to someone whose prior arrangements fell through at the last minute, etc

I experienced an unexpected kindness myself when a couple gave me a ride back to my lodging after one concert so I didn’t have to pay for an Uber.

I also get good news stories every week via email thanks to CNN’s Good Stuff newsletter.

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Jul 18, 2023Liked by Katie Hawkins-Gaar, Rebecca Coates

I love this. Reminds me of something my old boss has her whole team do every Monday morning called "Why Are We Awesome" where we go around the room and shout out a colleague, ourselves, our teams, the world, the company, whatever... just a way to kick off the week in celebration. I'm no longer at the job, but I did start doing it with a girlfriend of mine and it's such a wonderful practice.

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Jul 18, 2023Liked by Katie Hawkins-Gaar, Rebecca Coates

I’m turning my boys’ bedroom into my own den space - the new sleeper sofa came yesterday, so the kids still have beds! This morning I saw the red Fox that’s been living in the area this year. So pretty!

And…. The farmer husband is gone so I’m getting ready to jump on a combine in a little bit! (That one definitely makes my kids smile!!)

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Jul 18, 2023Liked by Katie Hawkins-Gaar, Rebecca Coates

I will share my post from yesterday here https://waywardyogini.substack.com/p/monday-morning-cup-of-thoughts-894 since it was about this very subject, finding happiness and gratitude. Hope you enjoy. And I did love hearing about your nightly ritual in a prior post. We might need to try that!

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Jul 18, 2023Liked by Katie Hawkins-Gaar, Rebecca Coates

I love your writing, it makes me happy, so thank you for sharing your love with the world! And this idea of sharing something good, makes me want to try it out too ;-)

Other than that, I find it hard to choose, because there are so many good and funny things happening in a day at the moment. But something really good is the fact that since I started loving myself unconditionally the world has become such a beautiful place with so many beautiful people and so much to be happy about...

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Jul 18, 2023Liked by Katie Hawkins-Gaar, Rebecca Coates

I love the idea! I will start doing that as well :) so inspiring!

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Jul 21, 2023Liked by Katie Hawkins-Gaar

I managed to get a ticket to go see Taylor Swift (huge fan since 19yo) at Anfield (the stadium of the football club I've been supporting since 10yo)! I cried so much when the payment went through and I got the confirmation window.

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That is fantastic! I hope you have the most amazing time, Val.

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Thanks Katie! I'm sure it will be fantastic!

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I no longer create stories about how my life is going or how whatever situation I'm in will turn out based on my (temporary) feelings. Well - when I do that, I catch myself much quicker now! And I just let my feelings be. I may try to move the energy (through things like exercising, dancing, or breathwork) or I just feel them in my body. In the past, when I'd, say, wake up feeling depressed, I'd tell myself that I'd feel like this my entire life, or that I'd be alone forever, or that I'd never be understood, or that my co-workers didn't like me, or I was a burden on everyone, or something along those lines. I feel much more grounded, not doing that as much as I did in the past, and also much more capable, as a person. It feels... freeing, and relieving. Like a breath of fresh air, and a sigh, all in one.

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This is huge! I’m still working on this. What a wonderful good thing!

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My something good is a big one - my boyfriend and I managed to find and buy a house in a really tough housing market. I’m a young widow like you Katie (first husband died of cancer when I was 30) so it’s a bittersweet big moment for me of stepping into a whole new part of my life. But mostly I’m so excited to have bedrooms and a bathtub and a backyard all of our own.

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Oh what a big, bittersweet moment! I’m so happy for you!!

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