Katie, I hope you never ever doubt the impact of your writing. I'm terrible at engaging back with your content, but each week I find myself touched by your lessons - no matter how "small." I don't remember how I found your newsletter but I am so glad I did. You always give me something to reflect on and I often also find myself sharing your words with others. Thank you for continuing to do what you do!

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Taylor, you have no idea how much I needed to read this. Thank you.

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Thanks so much for this post, this message, Katie. I resonate with it deeply, especially today.

Like you, I have a very harsh inner critic, always with me wherever I go. Always ready with her talking points, with her mean questions ("You're really going to stay in bed?") and just her ever-presentness to my "weaknessess." I'm trying to cultivate a better relationship with her, and, like you, I'm trying to be kind(er) to myself, and also trying to focus on what my definition of "success" is (which I've realized are things like being kind, being open-hearted, seeing the beauty + awe and wonder in the "little things," and other "soft" things), rather than on what I was taught it was (largely by society).

It's a long and winding road, that's for sure, but it's well worth it. 🩷

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Absolutely worth it! Thanks for this comment, Christina. It means a lot.

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To your note at the bottom: I've found lots to be tone deaf in lots of spaces lately (online and otherwise), but not here. Even when you're not explicitly writing about the current daily horrors, you are writing about the terror of life and how to dig deep to, as you say in today's lesson, keep showing up. And that's not nothing.

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Thank you! That is so reassuring to hear.

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Yeah, I'm right there with you. I'm sure there are days when you do the same thing I seem to have perfected- the art of self flaggelation. I'm really good at it too. ;) I give myself a shove or 10 and if then I still refuse to budge I give myself a pass. But... I still show up. When I was a Hospice nurse and even before and after, I'd get asked by friends, family, truly well meaning folks about what to do and I'd respond 'nothing, just show up." Just be physically present and the rest will sort itself out. Even in silence there is much to be said. P.S. What's up with the gold star, what does that mean to you and why do you need one. Because I'll send you one right now and take that little item right off your plate. Conversation for another say I reckon. Great job Katie. I love how you always make me look harder at my own life and what in heavens name I'm doing (or not doing) xx

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Lori, you are amazing. I love learning more about your life from these comments. (And ha! The gold star is more of a phrase/metaphor than something I'm longing for! But the thought of you sending me one just made me smile SO much.)

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Ha! Not so much but thank you. I'm going to add another p.s. on that gold star thing and yes I knew what you meant because again, total offender right here... maybe try and lower that invisible bar of expectation a wee bit. I was terrible at that. I would unknowingly, or maybe I did know, that I'd set that bar a little bit higher every time I'd get close or do something I felt good about. That little habit actually stems from my childhood, but nonetheless I'd carry it with me for a long time until I finally decided it wasn't mine to play with. Keep doing what you're doing, you're doing just great! ⭐️

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Awesome post, Katie, and perfectionism and I go WAY back. I keep trying to get that voice that’s never satisfied out of my head, but it refuses to move out! Did you see my interview with Michele Molitor, co-author of the bestselling book “I Am Perfectly Flawsome: How Embracing Imperfection Makes Us Better”? I think you’ll appreciate her wisdom as much as I do!


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Ooh, thanks for this, Wendi!

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Made me cry! Thank you, thank you, from one recovering overachiever to another 🩷

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You can buy a 1000 pack of gold foil star stickers on Amazon! I carry sheets of these with me and give them out to folks. I also give myself a gold star in my planner when I accomplish my priority (singular) for the day. 😊

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Ha! I love this so much.

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This is so beautiful Katie! I started my own newsletter literally few minutes back and I loved how inspiring this was for me as a beginner in the newsletter and writing field. I am bookmarking this piece to come back to when I am not feeling as strong to be soothed by your words. Hope you are well and sending you great love <3

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Thank you, Manasa! I'm so glad it was helpful.

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Beautiful words!

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Thank you, Rachel!

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