Your library is so beautiful! My kids helped paint a butterfly and garden scene on the side of our LFL that faces the house, it feels like a secret time capsule capturing their perspective at that age. I recently had a neighbor I had never seen before tell me that my LFL was a gem of the neighborhood. I haven't tried any themed offerings but that sounds fun!

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Aw, I love that, Anna! I love how the side of the LFL that faces the house is a treat just for the stewards. And compliments from the neighbors are the best!

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This is so well timed!!! My LFL also sat in the shed for a year and im putting it up this week!!! This was solid advice. I’m even more excited now

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Ooh so exciting! You're going to love it. There are some great resources for stewards that LFL offers. I just got a shipment of 25 (!) free books for kids that's available for LFL stewards in Georgia. I also asked for a Book of the Month subscription for my birthday — those books have been super popular whenever I put them in the library.

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Amazing!!! Thank you! I also requested some from Libraries for Liberation too

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Where can you find the resources for the LFL Stewards?

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I find so much joy in this newsletter! I always leave feeling inspired and a little less alone. Thanks, Katie! <3

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That's so kind. Thank you, Emily!

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I love your library. We’re neighbors, too! Well sort of. I live on the east of Atlanta.

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Thank you, Nikki! Great to meet another local reader!!

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I love this in so many ways but especially as a LFL steward myself. We opened ours in August, it's been really fun and I have a lot of ideas for the future. Its been an important way to focus on community for me, especially recently.

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What good company! I love that, Kathryn.

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I love this unapologetic and honest pursuit and honoring of joy, Katie. Brought me much needed joy this morning.

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Thank you, Carla! That means a lot.

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I can't wait to add a LFL to my yard! Planning out the yard now so hopefully in the spring, I'll be able to add one!

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I love it! You're going to get so much joy out of it.

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A good friend always wishes me a day filled with “unexpected joy” at the end of our calls. I love her reminder AND I love becoming aware of those moments. Such as today when a small envelope arrived from Atlanta with a wee hand drawn heart on the back and a sweet thank you note (with stickers!) inside. 💫 Thank you •KHG• You made my day, filling it with unexpected joy💌

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What a gracious and beautiful gift to your neighbors and to yourself. Your brother did an awesome job painting that for you. Wonderful. Never lose that piece of you.

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I love Little Free Libraries! And yours is so lovely. I also loved the essay by Carlos Greaves - thinking I need to write out a list of all the things that bring me joy as well.

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I gasped at the picture of your LFL, it is so beautiful! I live in a place where it’s not really feasible to have one up during the winter months, but think I want to start doing a seasonal LFL next year! Love this inspiration.

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As someone who tends to melancholy, and who is highly sensitive and therefore deeply feeling the weight of {all of this}, I very much need reminders that joy connects us to our humanity, that joy is essential, vital. Even in, especially in, chaos, devastation and despair. I am going to need those reminders over and over. Thank you for this reminder. 💝

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