I love the mental picture of plans with open palms. I needed that.

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Me too! I have thought about it so much since our conversation.

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Well this is beautiful and gives me a lot to think about. Especially "envy is a tool". I found myself enveloped in envy last night of a friend who just decided she wanted a career as a photographer and established herself in basically a month. In all fairness, she had all the connections, her son sells high end art, it's not something I really want in that form or would have the connections to get but still I found myself feeling huge envy and not wanting to go to my paying job (that I just don't love at all anymore) this morning. Hmmm.

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I loved that idea too! I didn’t include it in the post here, but Sarah said she was struck by the fact that she wasn’t especially envious of people with nice houses or fancy vacations—it was those friends who could go offline that really made her jealous. Definitely a feeling to pay attention to!

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Yes! I did a program through Kasia Urbaniak's "Academy" called "Emotions into Power". She talked about this, that envy is showing us what we really desire. Then in Brene Brown's "Atlas of the Heart" she talks about it as well.

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This was really, really interesting, Katie -- gives me lots to think about.

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Thanks, Terrell! It was fun to share someone else's insights for a change.

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I love Sarah, too! She was actually one of my earliest online reads - we even collaborated on a blog way back in 2005 or 2006, in which a small group of us contributed various lists of things we liked or were thinking about. The early 00s were a wild time on the internet! I'm so glad you profiled her and that I got to hear more about her sabbatical. I was also surprised to hear she was taking 2022 off from the internet, but I totally understand why. I'd love to do the same, but part of my job is social media management - or at least, that's my excuse. Watching Instagram Reels for two hours straight isn't really a "work" task. :) In the meantime, I'm pretty good about setting time limits on certain apps, which has helped a lot! I need guardrails and I'm not afraid to admit. 

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Thanks for this interview. I already feel relief when I think about small goals. Also the idea of going on a set number of walks instead of a weight loss goal.

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