I read this with such excitement for you And Billy and small one... but also some sadness that you won’t be just up the road, sadness for a year of missed nights out, where we could have gotten to know each other better while listening to Billy perform live. At the same time I know living an ocean away from family has been really hard for me, especially this past year. And I have a feeling it will be a supportive nee beginning for you both. Hell we all need as much support as we can get right now.

My advice after selling almost everything we own and moving continents - is it’s just ‘stuff’... and it’s ok to let go of it. I realised most of my ‘stuff’ was linked to other seasons of my life and I was holding into it with all my life. Original art, books, high school paraphernalia, so much jewellery! I was embarking on a new season and so much of it, almost all of it made no sense to carry around with me anymore. So I gave away more than half of my original art collection to friends who loved the pieces. Threw out school year books and donated hundreds and hundreds of books and jewellery . We arrived with 6 suitcases and 22 boxes, including the art works I felt still fitted this new season. my biggest take out - it was so cathartic letting go of all that stuff. Who would have known? And guess what I have missed none of it! Except maybe a really cool wine opener I really wish I had packed!

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Thank you for this great advice! And I know—it really does feel like a year of Florida life was stolen away! 💔

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I've read that waves piece before. So beautiful. Enjoy the move! Being close to family when you have a kiddo is priceless.

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Thanks, Britt! And yes, it is beautiful. Grateful for people who share their grief wisdom!

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Good for you Katie! Wishing you much happiness. Glad you will be closer to family. 💕

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Thank you, Bobbi! My mom is thrilled, as you can imagine!

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As for me, I’m hoping to eventually get to meet your little family, and welcome you back to Georgia. As a new grandma, I’m especially pleased for your mom and brother. All the best, Katie!

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