I'm pretty new to your newsletter and I've been working my way through the earlier posts as well. Your insight and lessons have been so helpful for me! This quote was my mantra today in braving the first day of virtual school (I work at a special needs school and we are starting off virtually):

"In Learning to Walk in the Dark, Barbara Brown Taylor writes, “The only real difference between Anxiety and Excitement was my willingness to let go of Fear. Sometimes, when I was anxious, all I had to do was take a deep breath and my nervousness turned into anticipation.”"

When I took a deep breath and let go of the fear of failure, I realized that I was actually very excited to see my students and meet the challenge head on! Thank you for writing this newsletter, I'm so happy to be a subscriber, money very well spent!

This is the article I'm on (I've been reading one a day to catch up!): https://mysweetdumbbrain.substack.com/p/dont-forget-to-breathe

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Danni, that means so much to me!! Thank you! Sending you all the best wishes as you navigate virtual school. xo

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This is beautiful -- your writing and the baby's room! I love the artwork and the b-e-a-utiful sentiment. Ooooof, yes, we didn't find out the baby's gender prior to birth. It was our own decision and I also think I had an idea that I could keep some kind of distance in case of a loss (probably completely naive!). I think many parents are cautiously optimistic -- I see the ultrasound, I hear the heart, I hope this creature comes into the world! Love indeed, is brave.

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Thank you, Susy! Fun fact: My friend Becca (who edits My Sweet Dumb Brain) designed those prints. She did such a wonderful job! <3

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That's lovely! If she has any interesting in selling the prints I'm super interested!

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I tried to comment a few times but cannot find the right words. We welcomed our third baby in June after a handful of loses. I can so relate to the mix of excitement and worry and a mind that wanders at night. Sending good baby vibes your way.

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Thank you, Britt. I'm glad I'm not alone in those wandering thoughts! And congratulations on the baby! xo

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I have a couple strategies for letting go (as best I can). I have what some people in Al-Anon call a "god box." If something is really worrying me, I write it down on a slip of paper and put it in the box. That's my action of handing it over to a higher power.

I've also started writing a couple lists when I get into bed at night: what went well that day, what I'm grateful for, and my fears/worries. It's another way of stating my fears out loud instead of letting them just rumble around inside me.

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I love both of these ideas so much! Thank you, Ally!!

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